Lawrence Heights Townhouse新楼盘隆重发售
Hits: 56 住在北约克,跨过马路去逛个Yorkdale Mall,步行2分钟到地铁站,20分钟内到达Downtown,10分钟到约克大学。交通四通八达,周边公园绿地环绕。私家后院或者露台你定,双车库或者单车库自选,还可选分门地下室用于出租,仅110多万起!这样的Townhouse哪里有,快快咨询我吧
Hits: 56 住在北约克,跨过马路去逛个Yorkdale Mall,步行2分钟到地铁站,20分钟内到达Downtown,10分钟到约克大学。交通四通八达,周边公园绿地环绕。私家后院或者露台你定,双车库或者单车库自选,还可选分门地下室用于出租,仅110多万起!这样的Townhouse哪里有,快快咨询我吧
Hits: 78 房源介绍 价格 598800 地址 555 William Graham Dr, Aurora, ON 房屋类型 condo 其他费用 管理费 640.04/月 房屋面积 1092Sqft 房间介绍 例如“2卧室2卫浴1书房” 车位或者Locker情况 一车位 一locker 交房日期 灵活可商量 房源描述 2年新1092尺2卧2卫condo出售。户型方正实用,没有任何浪费空间。主客分开非常适合自住或出租。该转让单元位于3楼,阳台和主卧面北,窗外是小森林,景色优美安静。目前该单位在出租,租金2500/月,租客另行负责水电煤气和上网。实则是投资者的首选。 疫情期间恕无法实地看房,有兴趣者请跟我联系安排虚拟看房,谢谢! 房屋图片集锦 周边介绍 交通 楼下公交直通金融街和科技区,1分钟步行PATH(多伦多最大地下城,7分钟至地铁站,生活步行指数98分,交通指数100分。 学校 顶尖学校如Aurora高中,St. Andrew男子中学 环境 大楼背靠绿化带,环境优美安静 娱乐设施 公寓内设有保安接待,会议室,游戏室,音乐室,健身室等等各种一应区全的设备。 周边照片 投资/自住优势分析 价格优势明显,尺价远低于当前大多伦多地区condo的平均尺价 环境优越交通便利,楼下bus站,几分钟到GO train站,几分钟车程到Aurora商业中心,学校等等。 租客为成熟高收入人士,做事严谨守规矩,易打交道。 联系方式 电话 647-801-1969 邮箱 微信号 微信二维码 可上传二维码图片
Hits: 90 How to set up your home-based exercise program for success. At various times this year, the coronavirus pandemic caused exercise venues to shut down for extended periods – from baseball fields to swimming pools, yoga studios and fitness centres. However, that situation effectively gave new breath to the home workout as a viable alternative. …
Hits: 51 Colder weather ahead doesn’t mean you have to forfeit your precious outdoor space. This year especially, you’ll want to enjoy your backyard or balcony as long as possible. Here are some tips to make the most of your space this fall and winter. Clean up ahead of winter Spruce up your yard to create …
Continue reading “Make the Most of Your Outdoor Space this Winter”
Hits: 46 One of nature’s gifts is the warm glow of a fire to take the chill off of a cold fall or winter night, but there are some guidelines for maintenance I would like to share with you. Other than the strict building code compliance of a wood burning appliance, there are things you can …
Continue reading “How much work is there to maintaining a fireplace?”